Challenges Through The Years
Displayed below are different challenges the Cream City Rug Hooking Guild members have participated in through the years. Bit by bit more will be added. The collection of pictures of the challenges were kept by Joyce Krueger. Thank you Joyce for your continual effort in keeping the history and traditional of rug hooking alive and well!
Willy B. Dinner - 2006 Challenge
Willy B. Dinner was designed by Cream City Rug Hooking Guild Member Suzanne Ziegler. Very interesting to see how a pattern can evolve in many different ways!

Suzanne Ziegler

Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Joyce Krueger

Jeanine Paul

Hazel Rooker

Jackie Kojis

Flora Dresser

Suzie Wallner

Carole Wirsching
Friendship Rugs - 2004
The "Garden of Friends" friendship rugs were completed by 15 members. Each person hooked their design on all the other rugs - after the rug was individually designed.

AnnAnn Rudolph
Hazel Rooker
Small Title
Jackie Kojis
Joyce Krueger
Kay Porter
Kay Wochowiak
Liz Williams

Lonny Krogman

Lyle Drier
Marilyn Denning
Martha Crawford
Nancy Harland
Suzanne Ziegler

Sally Kraimer
Small Title
Suzie Wallner
bubbles the hippo- 2012

Sheryl Ellis

Harriet Young
Hazel Rooker

Jan Bernicky
Sandy Kub

Lyle Drier
Joyce Krueger

Jean Warren and Lizzy (Warren) Williams
Suzanne Ziegler

Jackie Kojis
Faymarie Hutchison

Pam Schmelzle
When given a basic wing chair pattern, what can you design and create from this pattern? These were created as the "2019 Challenge" by Guild members. There were 3 different sizes out, with wonderful results! They are currently on display at the Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts in Cedarburg.